How to configure a Grafana component

How to configure a Grafana component

Grafana is open-source visualization and analytics software. Query, visualize and explore key metrics, set an alert to quickly identifying problems with the system to minimize disruption to services.

snapblocs uses Grafana with Elastic Stack (ELK) to provide Observability for the running Data Platform. Observability of the Data Platform ensures that DevOps can easily detect undesirable behaviors (service downtime, errors, slow responses, etc.). And have actionable information to effectively pin down root cause (detailed event logs, granular resource usage metrics, and application performance monitoring). 
Choose either option to integrate Grafana with the Data Platform Stack.
  1. Create a new Grafana cluster within the Data Platform Stack.
  2. Integrate externally created Grafana cluster with the Data Platform Stack.
(Option 1) Create a new Grafana cluster within the Data Platform (Recommended option)
Choose this option to create a new Grafana cluster managed by the Data Platform Kubernetes infrastructure and seamlessly integrate with other Data Platform components without affecting external applications that are outside the Data Platform.

See the detail on Grafana at Grafana documentation.

Grafana Settings
  1. Number of Replicas - To enable Grafana HA to increase Replicas higher than 1.
  2. Storage Size(Gi) - Grafana storage volume size
  3. Grafana High Availability - To support High Availability (HA) Grafana just need an external database where store dashboards, users and other persistent data. 

Motivation for CPU requests and limits
Configure the CPU requests and limits of the Containers that run in the cluster, efficiently using the CPU resources available on the cluster nodes. By keeping a Pod CPU request low, it gives the Pod a good chance of being scheduled. Having a CPU limit that is greater than the CPU request, accomplishes two things:
  • The Pod can have bursts of activity, making use of CPU resources that happen to be available.
  • The amount of CPU resources a Pod can use during a burst of activity is limited to a reasonable amount.
If CPU limit is not specified for a Container, it can result in one of these situations:
  • The Container has no upper bound on the CPU resources it can use. The Container could use all of the CPU resources available on the node where it is running.
  • The Container runs in a namespace with a default CPU limit, and the Container is automatically assigned the default limit. Cluster administrators can use a LimitRange to specify a default value for the CPU limit.
(Option 2) Integrate externally created Grafana cluster with a Data Platform Stack
Choose this option for an external Grafana cluster within the Data Platform. Be aware that any changes and usages that occur during running Data Platform may impact external applications (system) that depend on the Grafana cluster.
Grafana Settings
  • Use Timeout in Seconds to control how long the Kubernetes controller waits for the successful creation of Grafana and its sub-components. If it times out, the Grafana component has failed. If it times out frequently, increase this value.
  • Grafana Additional Information
    See more details 
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