snapblocs is designed to support responsive design. The web-based user interface will automatically adapt to perform as best it can on devices with smaller displays.
For the best snapblocs mobile and tablet experience, use the following models, operating system, browser, and connections.
Portrait and landscape mode is supported.
For troubleshooting issues, please turn off these safari features
Block All Cookies
Prevent Cross-Site Tracking
Private Browsing
Block Pop-ups (Pop-up blocking can prevent some pages from opening in a new tab.)
Mobile phone operating system
Android 7.0 or later
IOS 13.4 or later
Mobile and tablet browsers
IOS: Safari (recommended)
Android: Chrome (recommended)
Data connections
snapblocs requires a Wi-Fi® or cellular network connection.
For cellular connections, a 3G network or faster is required. Best performance requires Wi-Fi or LTE.