General Requirements

General Requirements

The following lists the account requirements for using snapblocs.
  • Valid email address for registration and notification
  • Cloud provider account(s) for deploying stacks onto users cloud environment(s)
Browser requirements
The following recommendations and requirements apply to all browsers for the best snapblocs SaaS Web application user experience.
  1. For all browsers, enable JavaScript, cookies, and TLS 1.2. 
    1. If TLS 1.2 isn’t available, enable TLS 1.1. 
    2. Browsers that don’t support TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 won’t be able to access snapblocs.
    3. Some snapblocs features require iframes and third-party cookies. 
      1. Ensure the appropriate browser security settings for iframes are enabled to load snapblocs correctly. 
      2. Follow the browser’s instructions to enable working with iframes and third-party cookies. For example, Internet Explorer set the Launching programs and files in the Iframe security setting to Enable or Prompt. In Safari and Chrome, change the privacy settings to allow all cookies.
  2. The minimum screen resolution required to support all snapblocs features is 1024 x 768. Lower screen resolutions don’t always properly display all features in an optimum manner. 
    1. Resizing a snapblocs browser window to below the minimum resolution can cause display issues. 
    2. Tables that do not fit smaller resolution displays may reduce information presented or allow a horizontal scroll within the table
  3. For Mac OS users on Apple Safari or Chrome, make sure the system setting Show scroll bars is set to Always.
  4. Some third-party browser plug-ins and extensions can interfere with the functionality of snapblocs. Should any experience issues, try disabling the browser's plug-ins and extensions and try again.
  5. snapblocs does not support being embedded in any browser application or embedded WebView technology or web controls.
  6. Internet Explorer 11 and Edge Legacy is not supported. snapblocs recommends you switch to a current web browser.
Mobile and tablet device requirements
snapblocs is designed to support responsive design. The web-based user interface will automatically adapt to perform as best it can on devices with smaller displays. 

For the best snapblocs mobile and tablet experience, use the following models, operating system, browser, and connections.
  1. Portrait and landscape mode is supported.
  2. For troubleshooting issues, please turn off these safari features
    1. Block All Cookies
    2. Prevent Cross-Site Tracking
    3. Private Browsing
    4. Block Pop-ups (Pop-up blocking can prevent some pages from opening in a new tab.)
  3. Mobile phone operating system
    1. Android 7.0 or later
    2. IOS 13.4 or later
  4. Mobile and tablet browsers
    1. IOS: Safari (recommended)
    2. Android: Chrome (recommended)
  5. Data connections
    1. snapblocs requires a Wi-Fi® or cellular network connection.
    2. For cellular connections, a 3G network or faster is required. Best performance requires Wi-Fi or LTE.

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