Create snapblocs Account

Create snapblocs Account

You need to create a snapblocs account before creating and deploying a stack. You need the following information to create a new snapblocs account on the snapblocs sign-up page.
  • Username (must be unique)
  • Phone number (optional)
  • Given name (first name)
  • Family name (last name)
  • Valid email address (You will receive the confirmation email for account creation)
  • Password (must follow the presented password policy)
Note that you can create multiple snapblocs accounts with the same email address, but each account must have a unique Username.

Steps to create snapblocs account:
  1. Fill up all required fields and submit the Sign-Up.
  2. Once submit the snapblocs account creation form, you will be presented with a submission confirmation page. Please do NOT move away from the submit confirmation page until you receive the verification email from
  3. You will receive "Your snapblocs email verification link" email from within a couple of minutes on the email address you used for the sign-up. If not, please click the "Resend it" link on the submission confirmation page.
  4. Once you verify your email following the instructions on the verification email, you can now press a "Continue" button on the submission confirmation page. 
  5. You will be presented with a "Sign In as" page. Click the "Sign In as" button.
  6. You will be presented with a "One last step" page.
  7. Supply all required information, and click a "Complete account setup and login" button.
  8. You will be automatically directed to snapblocs Home page.
Your snapblocs account is now created.

As you are added to a team member as a Root admin, you can manage Account, Stacks, Projects, Team members.
You can log out or navigate on the snapblocs application.

What's Next?

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