Architecture as a Service

Architecture as a Service

The evolution of cloud computing makes it easier to build application stacks. Cloud computing started with the notion of "as a Service," providing on-demand provisioning ability. This "as a Service" model started with "Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)" like AWS EC2 and then slowly progressed into "Platform as a service (PaaS)" like Heroku, Amazon Beanstalk, Google App Engine.

IaaS provides users with the cloud computing infrastructure they need to perform generalized or specialized tasks. IaaS solutions can be pay-as-you-go storage, processing, networking, or virtualization. An IaaS provider typically manages the physical infrastructure, including servers and storage, while the client manages everything else, including operating systems and virtual machines. 

PaaS is focused on full-cycle automation. It offers a platform on which a developer can design and deploy an application without getting involved in time-consuming routine or specialized tasks like server and storage configuration, security, auto-scaling, and load balancing. 

"Architecture as a Service" (AaaS) provides no vendor lock-in, self-service data platform on demand for building business applications. snapblocs AaaS creates a flexible and cost-effective platform with a pre-built architecture making better use of the overall investment – from lower upfront costs to a shorter time-to-market as well as a faster value realization.

AaaS is about patterns. An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context. The patterns automate the creation and lifecycle management of most application’s computing resources.

snapblocs AaaS accelerates the delivery of data platform architecture based on specific business needs by choosing the right architecture from a catalog of architecture solutions.

Provision and operate an application platform with speed, consistency, and repeatability using snapblocs AaaS. Construct the data platform stacks declaratively and provision them repeatedly using snapblocs configuration UI.

With snapblocs platform blueprints, take advantage of production-ready solutions with pre-built deployment templates. Create fast and scalable software delivery, across all environments,  with snapblocs tooling and guidance.

Benefits of Architecture as a Service:

  • Repeatability - Declaratively implementing software solutions from a proven architecture. Use the snapblocs configuration UI for speed, consistency, and reliability.
  • Higher productivity - Build software solutions faster by choosing a suitable architecture from well-designed platform blueprints instead of designing and building the architecture from scratch.
  • Better maintainability - Easily maintain software based on a well-designed architecture, as the structure of the architecture is straightforward and easy to understand
  • Higher adaptability - Quickly add new features for supporting new business requirements. Also, replace old implementations (or software) with new ones for improving SLA as the software architecture creates a clear separation of concerns.
  • Quality - More reliable assessment of system quality attributes like performance, Observability, security, interoperability, reliability, availability, and scalability
  • Lower TCO - Reduce the Total Cost of Ownership with faster time to release and lower operation and maintenance costs

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